2024-25 Faith Formation
Youth MinistryLIFT (Grade 4-8)
“Living In Faith & Trust” Coordinator: Tara Henley: [email protected] Middle school youth ministry for Grades 4-8 will meet twice a month. SCHEDULE - Fridays 6:30-8pm NO COST! ROCK (Grade 9-12) Coordinator: Jennifer Morgan: [email protected] High school youth ministry for Grades 9-12 will meet twice a month. SCHEDULE - Wednesdays 7-8:30pm NO COST! There is no fee to participate for these on-campus gatherings! Additional off-campus gatherings/activities planned. Bring a friend! All are welcome! Grade 5-12 Confirmation Class!
Every Other Monday, 6-7:15pm: Any youth in Grades 5-12 who have missed any of the Sacraments - Confirmation, First Communion, Reconciliation, or Baptism - please come to a Class just for you - on Monday Nov. 4 at 6pm in the Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish Center, 180 Loudon Rd., Concord NH. Info: Heather Zyliak: [email protected] or Tishie Skaff: [email protected] Calendar: https://ihmnh.weebly.com/uploads/4/5/8/2/45822949/2024-25_ihm_faith_formation_calendar.pdf Participation in LIFT (Middle School) and ROCK (High School) Youth Ministry gatherings are also encouraged. |