Mass Schedule:
Saturday: 4:30pm (Music: Frank Giordano)
Sunday: 8:00am (Music: Frank Giordano)
Sunday: 10:00am (Music: Chris Taylor)
Sunday: 1pm (African) 1st & 3rd Sundays of each month
The Sunday 10am Mass is also LiveStreamed: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ihmnh/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8k6IHvjPrEePEdofgoA6ng/
Daily Mass: Monday - Tuesday - Wednesday: 9am
The St. Padre Pio Eucharistic Adoration Chapel is Open 24/7/365:
To become a perpetual adorer, by committing to come at a particular time each week, contact Chapel Coordinator Lauren Dadmun: [email protected] or (603) 470-7949.
Our Church remains open for prayer during the week: Sunday to Friday: 7:30am-5:30pm
Confessions: Saturdays, 3-4pm.
Register in our Parish!: https://ihmnh.weebly.com/uploads/4/5/8/2/45822949/parish_registration_form_jan._2024.pdf
To have the IHM parish bulletin sent to your email each week - just click "Receive Bulletin Via Email":
Online Giving to IHM: https://ihmnh.churchgiving.com/
Guidelines for Giving: http://ihmnh.weebly.com/uploads/4/5/8/2/45822949/guidelines_for_giving.pdf
Saturday: 4:30pm (Music: Frank Giordano)
Sunday: 8:00am (Music: Frank Giordano)
Sunday: 10:00am (Music: Chris Taylor)
Sunday: 1pm (African) 1st & 3rd Sundays of each month
The Sunday 10am Mass is also LiveStreamed: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ihmnh/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8k6IHvjPrEePEdofgoA6ng/
Daily Mass: Monday - Tuesday - Wednesday: 9am
The St. Padre Pio Eucharistic Adoration Chapel is Open 24/7/365:
To become a perpetual adorer, by committing to come at a particular time each week, contact Chapel Coordinator Lauren Dadmun: [email protected] or (603) 470-7949.
Our Church remains open for prayer during the week: Sunday to Friday: 7:30am-5:30pm
Confessions: Saturdays, 3-4pm.
Register in our Parish!: https://ihmnh.weebly.com/uploads/4/5/8/2/45822949/parish_registration_form_jan._2024.pdf
To have the IHM parish bulletin sent to your email each week - just click "Receive Bulletin Via Email":
Online Giving to IHM: https://ihmnh.churchgiving.com/
Guidelines for Giving: http://ihmnh.weebly.com/uploads/4/5/8/2/45822949/guidelines_for_giving.pdf
Sunday Feb. 9, 2025, 10am: 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time:
YouTube: https://youtu.be/fcKawfRlJqs
Facebook: https://fb.watch/xEAfgSKWbl/
Tuesday Feb. 11, 6-7:30pm: Women's Faith Sharing Group in the IHM Parish Center! All women invited.
Meet on the 2nd & 4th Tuesday of each month
Saturday Feb. 15, 5:30-8:30pm: St. Valentine Pot-Luck Dinner Dance! in the IHM Parish Hall! For all ages!
Wed. Feb. 19, 5-6pm: Contemplative/Centering Prayer in IHM Parish Center!
All welcome! 1st & 3rd Wednesdays of each month.
Info: Rita Hunt: [email protected]
Thursday Feb. 6, 6:30-8pm: Once-a-Month Men’s Group!
In the IHM parish hall. Info: Ed Mullen: [email protected]
Free Meal, Video, & Reflection! 1st Thursday of each month.
Sat. March 1, 6:30-8pm: Married Couples Enrichment Evening at IHM Parish Center
All Married Couples are invited to attend this Married Couples Enrichment Evening. The gathering is designed to foster strong, healthy married relationships and communication. No cost to attend. Bring a snack to share and a notebook. Normally attended by about 12 couples! 1st Saturday of each month.
Info: Dave & Karen: [email protected] or (617) 448-0745
Sundays 9-10am: O.C.I.A. (Order of Christian Initiation for Adults - IHM Parish Office
For anyone interested in becoming Catholic, or Catholics who have missed a Sacrament or been away and want to get updated
Info: Ed Mullen [email protected]
Faith Formation Information:
Info: Heather Zyliak: [email protected]
LIFT! Living in Faith & Trust Middle School Youth Group for Grades 4-8, Every Other Friday 6:30-8pm in the IHM Parish Center
Schedule: https://ihmnh.weebly.com/uploads/4/5/8/2/45822949/2024-2025_lift_schedule.pdf
Info: Tara Henley: [email protected]
ROCK! High School Youth Group for Grades 8-12 Every Other Wednesday 7-8:30pm in the IHM Parish Center
Info: Jennifer Morgan: [email protected]
Heart of the Heights Bookstore 30th Anniversary Tribute Video:
Heart of the Heights Bookstore Hours:
Monday - Wednesday - Friday - Saturday: 10am-1pm
Tuesday - Thursday: 10am-4pm
Pope Francis 1-Minute Prayer Intention Video for Jan. 2025 – For The Right to an Education: https://youtu.be/1LHzCLG4wLE
Past Videos: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsmv_x_1263xEa2x3tpcBXA
Future Videos: https://catholic-link.org/images/the-popes-intentions-2024/
Good Word for Today!
The Lord’s insights are just a phone call away. Call (617) 542-0502, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to listen to a recorded 2 minute spiritual reflection, recorded by a Franciscan Friar from St. Anthony Shrine, 100 Arch St., Boston. There is a new message recorded each day.
Info: https://stanthonyshrine.org/
Advent in 2 Minutes: https://youtu.be/eC0FGQLBp7w
Free Daily Contemplative Emails: https://cac.org/sign-up/
To Give Online to IHM: https://ihmnh.churchgiving.com/
To receive the weekly IHM Bulletin in your email each week for Free: https://www.parishesonline.com/organization/immaculate-heart-of-mary-church-03301
Sundays 9-10am: O.C.I.A. (Order of Christian Initiation for Adults - IHM Parish Office
For anyone interested in becoming Catholic, or Catholics who have missed a Sacrament or been away and want to get updated
Info: Ed Mullen [email protected]
March 7-9: Retrouvaille Weekend for Struggling Marriages in Boston MA.
Retrouvaille is a powerful weekend for couples who are struggling in their relationship. It helps couples rediscover their love for each other, reconnect emotionally in their marriage, and rebuild intimacy by teaching a new way to communicate - and more. "We learned more in 3 days than we had in 10 years of counseling. Retrouvaille has changed our lives."
Info & Registration: https://www.helpourmarriage.org/communities/upcoming_weekends.cfm?community=New%5FEngland1
Info: https://myemail.constantcontact.com/Marriage-Help-Weekends.html?soid=1139321850349&aid=7b5ThWECqgU
Flyer: https://www.catholicnh.org//assets/Documents/Flyers/Flyer-Retrouvaille-2024.pdf
Witness Talk: https://youtu.be/Vd9gGo00kBI
Info: https://www.catholicnh.org/family2/family/support/retrouvaille/
Info: (508) 271-7155 or [email protected] or www.helpourmarriage.org/
Cost: $699.
Camp Fatima (for boys) and Camp Bernadette (for girls)!
For Campers ages 6-15, CIT’s age 16, Counselors age 17+
Info: https://bfcamp.com/
Promo Video: https://www.facebook.com/CampFatimaCampBernadette/videos/25639098312356405
Free Webinars from Franciscan University: https://franciscanathome.com/guild-webinar-series
IHM Scouts meet Every Thursday in our Parish Center at the following times!
6-7pm: Cub Scout Pack 90 (Grade K-5) - (Boys & Girls)
7-8:30pm: Scout Troop 90 (age 11-17) - (Boys & Girls)
Youth & Parents are invited to come by & check it out!
Info: Roger Tessier: [email protected]
Troop 90: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100090831350227
Pack 90: https://www.facebook.com/groups/406671963008007
Join the Knights of Columbus!
Concord Council 112 - mostly men from IHM & Christ the King Parishes.
A great way for men to get more involved in the church's mission!
Info: https://www.facebook.com/kofccouncil112
To join: https://www.kofc.org/joinus
Meetings: 2nd Monday of each month, 7-8pm Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish Center, 180 Loudon Rd., Concord NH
Contact: Grand Knight Chuck McGee: [email protected]
Catholic Radio News:
WICX 102.7FM is on the air!!!
You can also listen online: https://www.wicxradio.org/listen-live/ or: https://tunein.com/
To donate, send checks to "WICX Radio": 180 Loudon Rd., Concord NH 03301 or donate on-line: https://www.wicxradio.org/ Thank you!
Info: Mike Bellino (Station General Manager): 603-748-9047 or [email protected]
IHM Masses on the Radio:
Sundays at 8am: WKXL 1450AM, 103.9FM, 101.9FM & online: www.nhtalkradio.com - broadcast a recording of our 10am Mass from the previous Sunday
Fr. Ray's Master's Thesis: "Foundations for Theology: The Discovery of Bernard Lonergan":
Fr. Ray's Essay: The Analytical Mind & the Spiritual Mind:
Advent Reflection on "Joy" by Fr. Ray & Allie Cat:
YouTube: https://youtu.be/rAPnKvfYZ3c
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/587285690/videos/10164762785520691/
Fr. Ray Christmas Message 2016: https://ihmnh.weebly.com/uploads/4/5/8/2/45822949/christmas_message_2016.pdf
Sign up to Receive - Free Daily Reflections For the New Year!
Free Rosary in a Year: https://ascensionpress.com/pages/the-rosary-in-a-year-podcast
Free Daily Contemplative Emails: https://cac.org/sign-up/
Free Daily Gospel Reflections: https://www.wordonfire.org/reflections/
Free Daily Bible in a Year: https://ascensionpress.com/pages/biy-registration
Free Daily Catechism in a Year: https://ascensionpress.com/pages/catechisminayear
Free Daily Readings: https://bible.usccb.org/daily-bible-reading#subscribe
Insight TV Shows by the Paulist Fathers, featuring famous Catholic Hollywood Actors:
New England Catholic Retreat Centers - Day & Weekend Programs:
St. Basil Salvatorian Center, Methuen MA: https://saintbasils.org/applications/
Notre Dame Spirituality Center, Ipswich MA: https://www.ndspiritualitycenter.org/retreats-programs
Eastern Point Retreat House, Gloucester MA: https://www.easternpoint.org/retreats-2024.html
St. Joseph Retreat House, Milton MA: https://www.omvusa.org/st-joseph-retreat-house/retreats/
Holy Cross Retreat House, North Easton MA: https://www.retreathouse.org/
LaSalette Retreat Center, Attleboro MA: https://www.lasaletteretreatcenter.org/programs
Genesis Spiritual Center, Westfield MA: https://www.genesisspiritualcenter.org/
Rolling Ridge Retreat Center, North Andover MA: https://www.rollingridge.org/
Bethany House of Prayer, Arlington MA: https://www.bethanyhousearlington.org/
Holy Family Retreat Center, West Hartford CT: https://www.holyfamilyretreat.org/
Enders Island Retreat Center, Mystic CT: https://www.endersisland.org/retreats-and-programs
YouTube: https://youtu.be/fcKawfRlJqs
Facebook: https://fb.watch/xEAfgSKWbl/
Tuesday Feb. 11, 6-7:30pm: Women's Faith Sharing Group in the IHM Parish Center! All women invited.
Meet on the 2nd & 4th Tuesday of each month
Saturday Feb. 15, 5:30-8:30pm: St. Valentine Pot-Luck Dinner Dance! in the IHM Parish Hall! For all ages!
Wed. Feb. 19, 5-6pm: Contemplative/Centering Prayer in IHM Parish Center!
All welcome! 1st & 3rd Wednesdays of each month.
Info: Rita Hunt: [email protected]
Thursday Feb. 6, 6:30-8pm: Once-a-Month Men’s Group!
In the IHM parish hall. Info: Ed Mullen: [email protected]
Free Meal, Video, & Reflection! 1st Thursday of each month.
Sat. March 1, 6:30-8pm: Married Couples Enrichment Evening at IHM Parish Center
All Married Couples are invited to attend this Married Couples Enrichment Evening. The gathering is designed to foster strong, healthy married relationships and communication. No cost to attend. Bring a snack to share and a notebook. Normally attended by about 12 couples! 1st Saturday of each month.
Info: Dave & Karen: [email protected] or (617) 448-0745
Sundays 9-10am: O.C.I.A. (Order of Christian Initiation for Adults - IHM Parish Office
For anyone interested in becoming Catholic, or Catholics who have missed a Sacrament or been away and want to get updated
Info: Ed Mullen [email protected]
Faith Formation Information:
Info: Heather Zyliak: [email protected]
LIFT! Living in Faith & Trust Middle School Youth Group for Grades 4-8, Every Other Friday 6:30-8pm in the IHM Parish Center
Schedule: https://ihmnh.weebly.com/uploads/4/5/8/2/45822949/2024-2025_lift_schedule.pdf
Info: Tara Henley: [email protected]
ROCK! High School Youth Group for Grades 8-12 Every Other Wednesday 7-8:30pm in the IHM Parish Center
Info: Jennifer Morgan: [email protected]
Heart of the Heights Bookstore 30th Anniversary Tribute Video:
Heart of the Heights Bookstore Hours:
Monday - Wednesday - Friday - Saturday: 10am-1pm
Tuesday - Thursday: 10am-4pm
Pope Francis 1-Minute Prayer Intention Video for Jan. 2025 – For The Right to an Education: https://youtu.be/1LHzCLG4wLE
Past Videos: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsmv_x_1263xEa2x3tpcBXA
Future Videos: https://catholic-link.org/images/the-popes-intentions-2024/
Good Word for Today!
The Lord’s insights are just a phone call away. Call (617) 542-0502, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to listen to a recorded 2 minute spiritual reflection, recorded by a Franciscan Friar from St. Anthony Shrine, 100 Arch St., Boston. There is a new message recorded each day.
Info: https://stanthonyshrine.org/
Advent in 2 Minutes: https://youtu.be/eC0FGQLBp7w
Free Daily Contemplative Emails: https://cac.org/sign-up/
To Give Online to IHM: https://ihmnh.churchgiving.com/
To receive the weekly IHM Bulletin in your email each week for Free: https://www.parishesonline.com/organization/immaculate-heart-of-mary-church-03301
Sundays 9-10am: O.C.I.A. (Order of Christian Initiation for Adults - IHM Parish Office
For anyone interested in becoming Catholic, or Catholics who have missed a Sacrament or been away and want to get updated
Info: Ed Mullen [email protected]
March 7-9: Retrouvaille Weekend for Struggling Marriages in Boston MA.
Retrouvaille is a powerful weekend for couples who are struggling in their relationship. It helps couples rediscover their love for each other, reconnect emotionally in their marriage, and rebuild intimacy by teaching a new way to communicate - and more. "We learned more in 3 days than we had in 10 years of counseling. Retrouvaille has changed our lives."
Info & Registration: https://www.helpourmarriage.org/communities/upcoming_weekends.cfm?community=New%5FEngland1
Info: https://myemail.constantcontact.com/Marriage-Help-Weekends.html?soid=1139321850349&aid=7b5ThWECqgU
Flyer: https://www.catholicnh.org//assets/Documents/Flyers/Flyer-Retrouvaille-2024.pdf
Witness Talk: https://youtu.be/Vd9gGo00kBI
Info: https://www.catholicnh.org/family2/family/support/retrouvaille/
Info: (508) 271-7155 or [email protected] or www.helpourmarriage.org/
Cost: $699.
Camp Fatima (for boys) and Camp Bernadette (for girls)!
For Campers ages 6-15, CIT’s age 16, Counselors age 17+
Info: https://bfcamp.com/
Promo Video: https://www.facebook.com/CampFatimaCampBernadette/videos/25639098312356405
Free Webinars from Franciscan University: https://franciscanathome.com/guild-webinar-series
IHM Scouts meet Every Thursday in our Parish Center at the following times!
6-7pm: Cub Scout Pack 90 (Grade K-5) - (Boys & Girls)
7-8:30pm: Scout Troop 90 (age 11-17) - (Boys & Girls)
Youth & Parents are invited to come by & check it out!
Info: Roger Tessier: [email protected]
Troop 90: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100090831350227
Pack 90: https://www.facebook.com/groups/406671963008007
Join the Knights of Columbus!
Concord Council 112 - mostly men from IHM & Christ the King Parishes.
A great way for men to get more involved in the church's mission!
Info: https://www.facebook.com/kofccouncil112
To join: https://www.kofc.org/joinus
Meetings: 2nd Monday of each month, 7-8pm Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish Center, 180 Loudon Rd., Concord NH
Contact: Grand Knight Chuck McGee: [email protected]
Catholic Radio News:
WICX 102.7FM is on the air!!!
You can also listen online: https://www.wicxradio.org/listen-live/ or: https://tunein.com/
To donate, send checks to "WICX Radio": 180 Loudon Rd., Concord NH 03301 or donate on-line: https://www.wicxradio.org/ Thank you!
Info: Mike Bellino (Station General Manager): 603-748-9047 or [email protected]
IHM Masses on the Radio:
Sundays at 8am: WKXL 1450AM, 103.9FM, 101.9FM & online: www.nhtalkradio.com - broadcast a recording of our 10am Mass from the previous Sunday
Fr. Ray's Master's Thesis: "Foundations for Theology: The Discovery of Bernard Lonergan":
Fr. Ray's Essay: The Analytical Mind & the Spiritual Mind:
Advent Reflection on "Joy" by Fr. Ray & Allie Cat:
YouTube: https://youtu.be/rAPnKvfYZ3c
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/587285690/videos/10164762785520691/
Fr. Ray Christmas Message 2016: https://ihmnh.weebly.com/uploads/4/5/8/2/45822949/christmas_message_2016.pdf
Sign up to Receive - Free Daily Reflections For the New Year!
Free Rosary in a Year: https://ascensionpress.com/pages/the-rosary-in-a-year-podcast
Free Daily Contemplative Emails: https://cac.org/sign-up/
Free Daily Gospel Reflections: https://www.wordonfire.org/reflections/
Free Daily Bible in a Year: https://ascensionpress.com/pages/biy-registration
Free Daily Catechism in a Year: https://ascensionpress.com/pages/catechisminayear
Free Daily Readings: https://bible.usccb.org/daily-bible-reading#subscribe
Insight TV Shows by the Paulist Fathers, featuring famous Catholic Hollywood Actors:
New England Catholic Retreat Centers - Day & Weekend Programs:
St. Basil Salvatorian Center, Methuen MA: https://saintbasils.org/applications/
Notre Dame Spirituality Center, Ipswich MA: https://www.ndspiritualitycenter.org/retreats-programs
Eastern Point Retreat House, Gloucester MA: https://www.easternpoint.org/retreats-2024.html
St. Joseph Retreat House, Milton MA: https://www.omvusa.org/st-joseph-retreat-house/retreats/
Holy Cross Retreat House, North Easton MA: https://www.retreathouse.org/
LaSalette Retreat Center, Attleboro MA: https://www.lasaletteretreatcenter.org/programs
Genesis Spiritual Center, Westfield MA: https://www.genesisspiritualcenter.org/
Rolling Ridge Retreat Center, North Andover MA: https://www.rollingridge.org/
Bethany House of Prayer, Arlington MA: https://www.bethanyhousearlington.org/
Holy Family Retreat Center, West Hartford CT: https://www.holyfamilyretreat.org/
Enders Island Retreat Center, Mystic CT: https://www.endersisland.org/retreats-and-programs